Whilst at university Nelson Mandela became increasingly aware of the unjust nature of South African Society
the late 50s the S.A.state had become increasingly repressive making it more difficult for the ANC to operate. Mandela had to resign from the ANC and work underground.
Mandela were charged with treason.
1960 the Sharpeville massacre of 63 black South African’s changed the whole political climate.
1962 Mandela had been arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment in the notorious Robben Island prison.
1990 negotiations eventually led to Mandela’s release.
Nelson Mandela lost his eldest son to this disease and Mandela has worked hard to campaign on this issue.
1929 - born in New Zealand1960 - got a job in Australia 1965 - was head of the Eye Department at a Sydney hospital 1970's - helped launch a national program to attack eye disease in Aboriginal Australians 1980 - traveled all over the world to help set up eye health programs in developing countries1989 - knew he wouldn't live to see all his ideas happen/ had a cancer 1993 - died at home surrounded by his friends, his wife Gabi and their five children
1942 -born near Goolagong in Northern NSW1960s - established the Aboriginal Movement in Brewarrina
1960s-1970s - worked in the health and legal service fields
1988 - presented Queen Elizabeth with a copy of her film1991 - was a member and co-founder of the Western Aboriginal Legal Service1993 - received national acclaim