Thursday 11 February 2016

Soaking up languages


  • Fairvale public school has a high percentage of non-English-speaking backgrounds 
  • They are better at coping languages than adults
  • Little people are resilient
  • Fairvale school welcome the different cultures 


About 90 percent of the students in Fairvale school are non-English-speaking backgrounds mainly Arabic and Vietnamese. These students are much better than adults at coping languages, Generally little people who are enthusiastic to learn, they are resilient. Finally Fairvale public school prided itself on its multiculturalism.

personal reflation :

My point of view is these students which English is their second language have a bit difficulties to deal with their native language and the  new language (English) as well as the new environment, but from other side they got a valuable skill, it could be useful later on.

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