Wednesday, 27 April 2016


  • High school must focus on teenagers reading 
  • Screen time has been linked to a number of health problems
  • Direct instruction in school and time managing are the two solution  


Since teenagers start using phones and laptop for a long hours the rate of  books selling in Australia shows nationally a significant drop especially year 7 and by year 5. According to the Australian curriculum and Reporting Authority  Australian high schools must focus on teenagers reading skills if literacy and numeracy are to improve. When teenagers become obsessed with their phones and laptop their reading levels fail. Many studies show that screen time has bad effects on children's  health for example obesity. the solution comes in two ways one is direct instruction in schools and time could be set aside of home for example a half hour reading period would help families read together.

Personal reflation

In my opinion the using of phones and laptops is not the real problem but the way and the time that we spend on it is the real one. For solution it takes a while to get a child used to start reading inserted of playing games on their phones. The solution start from schools by using strategies to improve reading skills  and to be continued at home for example  parents should start observe their kids and guide them to the right truck by minimizing time that  kids or teenagers spend watching TV or playing games on their phones and make a time for reading .

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